Ted Cruz, his strongest rival, to withdraw minutes after learning the results. Ted Cruz withdraws from race for the U.S. Presidency after defeat by Donald Trump in the Indiana primary.
Mathematically Trump does not reach even the magical number of 1,237 delegates committed to vote for him at the National Convention of his party in July, the figure required to formally get the nomination. But from the Tuesday night all already spoke of the controversial Tycoon as virtual Republican candidate: one of the two people who held the most powerful position of Earth in November's general election. What has given him a veneer of seriousness to a premise that 12 months ago would have seemed entirely far-fetched: Donald Trump, a candidate who comes from outside, from the world of business and entertainment, and that advocates positions far more to the right than any other serious contender to the White House in recent decades, actually have a chance of being the next President of the United States. Reasons for a Nevada to vote for Donald Trump Mexican the nomination of Trump to the candidacy of his party became inevitable Wednesday. Donald Trump
Its last opponent in the Republican ranks, the Governor of the State of Ohio, John Kasich, withdrew from the race. And now what happens with Ted Cruz delegates? Matter of time with what already is just matter of time for the Republican Convention, which will take place between 18 and 21 July in Cleveland, officially announced his nomination.
The traditional leadership of American conservatism is horrified at the capture of his party by an applicant that several prominent Republicans and Democrats have described as a "dangerous buffoon" and entirely inappropriate to occupy the presidential chair. The Republicans, almost without exception in recent decades, had chosen as their presidential candidates to politicians relatively moderate, with good relationships with the business and dedicated class to protect the status quo conservative of his nation. The "outsider" Trump is an "outsider", a populist with an inflammatory speech against economic and political hierarchies, which has exploited the racial and economic insecurities of the white working class, which has become its standard-bearer. with electoral success And it defends a style of nationalism that many associated only with the European far right. It was something that supposedly could not pass in the United States. Which is the origin of the fortune of Donald Trump , but United States is radical enough to elect someone who maligns the Mexicans as violators, that promises to ban Muslims from entering the country and threatening a trade war against China?
How likely is that millionaire Donald Trump will become President of the United States?
Reviewed by Infohut24
3:09:00 PM
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